Information Fun & Entertainment
The more laws and order are made prominent, the more thieves and robbers there will be. Here is a collection of some of the eccentric laws in the world. We can laugh, we can gasp, we can only wonder…

10. it’s illegal to be fat in Japan

Thanks to an anti-obesity law passed last year, Japanese salarymen across the nation are pulling up their shirts to have their guts measured... and if they're overweight, they face consequences.

If you're male and your waist is over 33.5 inches, you're considered fat. If you're female, the limit is 35.4 inches. Thanks to those burgers, you now have to attend mandatory counseling with a physician. For every grotesquely obese employee like yourself, your company gets hit by a fine; ergo, they strongly encourage you to lose weight with gifts of gym memberships and pedometers.


These are the funny shoes that we singularly see at the street. Because i think not many people dare to wear it out and some doesn’t look comfortable to wear at all. Check it out.
